Category Archives: Darkniciad

Time to walk back into the wood

Well, it’s that time of year again.  The last two years, I haven’t managed to get my story in the Magic of the Wood series together in time for Literotica’s Earth Day contest.  This year, I’m hoping to change that when I tell Ella’s tale.

I’ve been musing on it for a while, and I think I have an idea that works.  Of course, I’ve thought that the last couple of years as well :p  I’ll only know once I start writing it.

I’ve also put quite a few new Ebooks up on the download page.  Breakin’ in the Boy, all 10 chapters of Lowborn collected in a single volume, the trilogy of website exclusive shorts collected in a single volume called the “Innocent Devan Trilogy” and the first two Laresa stories are all available.


Ebook Finales

The finales of “Danica” and the “Virtual Reality: Dragon Quest” series are now both available on my downloads page in Kindle and RTF format.

With this, I’ve caught up with all my Les Lumens stories.  New Les tales will become available a couple of weeks or so after they’re released on the story sites.

Don’t forget about the Clitoride Awards, linked in a previous blog entry.

An update on “Jackin’ Jill”:  I thought I was right on the verge of finishing it, but as I wrote the final chapter, it simply didn’t feel right.  It didn’t have the kind of strong ending I want my stories to have.

I’ve tried several different angles now, and none of them have been right.  I felt as if I was fighting it too hard, and decided to put it down for a while.  I’m still mulling it over on a fairly regular basis, but I’m going to work on other things while the ideas stew.

It’s still very close, but I just need that final lightbulb-moment to push it over the top.


Nearly there on Jackin’ Jill

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to everyone else 🙂

Finished Ch. 05 and started the final chapter 6 of “Jackin’ Jill”.  There’s a fairly good chance that I’ll have it done before the week’s out.  Not sure how long it will take me to get the editing process done because of the holidays, but it shouldn’t be too long before it begins posting.

Also put up a couple more Les stories on the downloads page, and there will be more Ebooks coming over the next few days, since I’m off work.

There’s a pretty good chance that before I start editing Jackin’ Jill that I’ll get back to a Celes short I started a while ago.  I haven’t been able to find the right beginning for it, but I think I may finally have the right angle.  It will be going on my “shorts” page, not the story sites.

This will be one of a 4-part story from Celes’ early life.  I’m not sure whether the other parts will end up on my shorts page, or whether some of them might get combined and end up on the story sites.  At least one chapter of the story is a pretty dark one – regardless.

The first part is light, innocent, and sex-heavy.  The second will be as well.  The third is the dark chapter, and the fourth is the one that may merge with pt. 3 and end up as a full story on the story sites.  It will all depend on how it comes out when I write it, but I am leaning toward 3&4 being together, and coming out as “From the Hartwell”

The young one is winding down, so I may see if I can get a paragraph or three written tonight before I get too tired to visualize.


Danica DLs updated

Just updated the downloads section with Part 10 and 11 of “Danica”.  You can grab them for your offline reading pleasure in RTF and Kindle PRC format right here.

I’m also over halfway through ch. 05 of 6 in a new Les story called “Jackin’ Jill”.  If things continue as they are, I suspect I can have the first draft ready before the first of the year.

Seem to be pulling out of my slump 🙂


Some quick notes

I just started posting Merchant Princess over at Lushstories ( in my RR name ) after a few previous false starts of having a mod check the content.  First chapter is up, and the other five are approved to appear one per day.  There are ways you can cheat and read them all now, though 😉 ( similar stories link at the end of the chapters )

To Catch a Merchant Princess on Lush

Had to modify my database and backend utilities to list this one on “my work”, as the link was too long for what I had there *laugh*

I don’t expect it to get many reads, but hope that the few who do take a walk with me in that world on Lush enjoy it as much as I do.

In other news, I’m working on a dark story as Les for the Lit Halloween contest.  It’s called “The Man I Used to Be”.  Have an idea for a new Laresa story as well.  Here’s hoping I have time to write it and that it doesn’t stall on me like the idea I had for Christmas last year did.  It’s been a long time since the last Laresa’s World tale.
