Category Archives: Chatter

New Magic of the Wood off for editing

“Blessing of the Wood” just went in the mail to Roust for editing.  Because of the length, it will probably take some time to run through the process.

Whenever I get it back and finalized, it will go in the queue to post for the following Thursday night/Friday morning.

It’s late as hell for an Earth Day story, but considering I failed to release an Earth Day story in the series for four years now, and completely failed to release one last year, late is better than never!


Finally some new stuff coming

Yeah, it’s been a while.

Anyone who’s followed me for a while knows I go through these dry spells.  The story that’s getting ready to post has been in progress for two years.  It’s not even anything earth-shattering or deep.  It’s just a fun multi-chapter stroker.

It will be posting as LesLumens and I’m aiming for Friday with the first chapter.  That means it went into the queue at Lit yesterday and will go into the queue everywhere else on Friday ( assuming it posts to Lit as expected )

Even though the queue at Lush seems to have slowed down significantly, my Gold membership there should keep me at the 24 hour turnaround.  Since I can only have one pen name there, it will post under my RR name.

It’s five chapters long, and the goal is to post twice weekly. ( Tuesday and Friday )

Other than that, I’m once again trying to restore my tradition of posting a new story in the Magic of the Wood series for Earth Day.  This year’s story is in progress.


Blackhawk Sequel Brainstorm

Had a major brainstorm the other day that gave me the central plot of the sequel to “Blackhawk Hall”.

No doubt it will be far in the future before it’s finished, but the title of the story is “Beacon of the Rising Serf”.

Making notes and fleshing it out at this point.  I’ll post again when it gets started, naturally.

Sorry for the quiet.  Most of my writing lately has been in my RR pen name, as I haven’t had the time or brainpower for involved stories.


In a rut again.

As if it’ difficult to tell, I’m in a rut again.

I go through these every so often.  This one has been especially bad, and I haven’t even been writing much short stroke work as Reject Reality.

I’ve been fiddling with a few things here and there, but nothing has really been coming to fruition.  I keep hitting roadblocks when I do get some writing done, but most often, I can’t write more than a few paragraphs before I’m drained of motivation.

Depression is a bitch.

No, I’m not medicated, nor will I ever be.  I’ve seen too much of what happens with my wife to ever even consider that.

I still make it in to work and function.  What I lose is my creative drive and my capacity for enjoying things.  While that’s disheartening, it’s not life threatening.  I just try doing other things until something wakes up my spark again.

That’s what I’m doing now.  As always, apologies to anyone waiting for the next chapter/story.


Finding stories on Literotica

Lit has recently begun posting more stories per day, in order to bring down the lag between submission and posting.  That makes navigating the main New Stories list a bit of a chore, especially if you’re looking for a favorite author.

At the same time, they’ve expanded the category hubs to show more stories.  So your best bet to find what you’re looking for is to move away from the New Stories list and start checking the individual hubs that float your boat.  You’ll get targeted results going back several days that way.

Scroll down to “Erotic Stories” and click on the category link for your kink 😉
