Category Archives: Website

Infrastructure Updates getting somewhere.

Well, I believe I finally have all the infrastructure updates complete.  Now, I just have to recode every single one of my pages to get the original content back up.  Lots of them were dependent upon the original infrastructure, and that’s all defunct.

I have temporary pages up for the warning page and front page of the RR site, as well as  They only link to the forum ( up, but in heavy need of tweaking ) and the blogs, but at least they’re functional.  That is where almost all of my offsite links point to.

My backend which lets me update my story database is also full of things that will need replaced, which means I’ll have to manually enter data until I can get my tools back up and running.

I’ve got a request posted elsewhere, hoping someone is willing to take a few bucks to point out replacements for the functions and templates I used, but it’s been up for a couple of days with no bites.  If I have to do the research myself, it’s going to take a long time.  I haven’t coded anything in bleeding forever.


Ebook Upload and what’s moving.

Realized that I never uploaded the Ebook for “Unsealed” so that’s been remedied.  It’s available on the download page of my forum.

I’ve got a few Dark/Les things moving right now.  The next story of Darkni’s history “Gates of Enchantment” is moving along.  I also have a multi-chapter story about Betty, one of the three prostitutes who set out to start their own brothel at the end of “Lowborn”.  She’s finally striking out on her own, but she meets some serious resistance in “One Whore’s Town”.  The third thing that’s moving is the next story in the Ancient Peoples, and it’s called “Tangled Coils”.

Those are what’s singing to me right now, after nothing has been for months, so I’m not arguing with my muse.

Sorry as always for the lack of updates.  When I hit a motivation slump, it extends to pretty much everything, not just my writing.


Feather and Scale Ebook

Finally remembered to upload the Ebook for “Feather and Scale”.  Grab your copy of Aris’ latest adventure in RTF or Kindle compatible PRC format.

The next story in the series is already deep into the outline and musing stage.  It will take place shortly after Feather and Scale, and is called “Tangled Coils”.

I’m also writing the next story in the Darkni history tales, called “Gates of Enchantment” which details the beginnings of two deeply important areas of magical study for him, and leads into the next story as well.

SOTM 21 is still in progress.  I had to work out some major timezone flubs, and it put me off writing for a while.  Working on Darkni has pulled me back into the world, so I should be able to get back to it in earnest after finishing some contest stories and quickies to fill categories at Lush as RR.

One of those potential contest stories is in the Magic of the Wood series, and is the culmination of pieces I’ve been putting in place since all the way back in “Kindred of the Wood”.  It takes place around the twins’ handfasting during the summer solstice, but is a tale of Brina and her husband.
