At long last, Sisters of the Mists is available on Literotica!
It’s in the queue at SOL, and should go live in the morning. Hope everyone enjoys the new chapter!
At long last, Sisters of the Mists is available on Literotica!
It’s in the queue at SOL, and should go live in the morning. Hope everyone enjoys the new chapter!
“Facing Destiny” is now available for download in Kindle compatible .prc format and RTF.
You can grab whichever suits you best on my downloads page.
The second story in the new Celes history series is live! This time, circumstances encourage Celes to offer Anna a helping hand.
Check it out right here!
If you haven’t been reading the forum, I’m also close to finishing the first draft of SOTM Ch. 19. Once scene left to write. I won’t be releasing it until I finish at least Ch. 20, though.
Already have the first and last scenes of chapter 20 figured out as well. As always, no promises, considering how my muse has regularly failed me on this story, but at least it’s moving forward.
My short story page has just been updated with the first of several Celes shorts. It’s called “The Right Touch” and expands upon Celes’ explanation to Danica of how she came to understand and accept her sexuality.
You can read it right here:
Please do leave a comment if you enjoy it 🙂
“Facing Destiny” is live at Literotica! Go give it a read and a vote. ( Even if you’ve already done so at SOL ) 😉
You can find it right here: