Had an idea

Think I’m going to code up a “Holiday” page that will display with a little widget on the front page around holidays ( and the associated contests on the sites where I post )

It will link all the holiday-themed stories for that season I’ve posted, giving you easy access to some holiday cheer 🙂

Probably won’t work on it today, but the idea hit me so hard that it will probably happen.  The widget will probably be directly below the link bar on the main page, and will only have a link to the holiday page + a little image that fits the season.

I’m planning for the Holiday page itself to be dynamic by adding an entry to my database for holiday themes.  That way, the page can automatically generate just by me flipping a switch on the backend of the site.  I’ll probably have the main image also be dynamic, changing according to the appropriate season.

Putting more work on the artist’s plate *laugh*  At least it can be a gradual thing over the course of the year 🙂

Back to working on Sanctuary.  That’s my priority right now, with such a long-standing tradition.
