Chugging along

Chugging along on Sanctuary of the Wood when I can.  Had some longer hours at work and a lot of other stuff on my plate, but it’s coming along.

I’m concentrating on it for the time being because of the contest deadline ( which while still quite a ways in the future, can be a problem if I encounter muse issues ) and the tradition I have of posting one every year.  I don’t want to break that.

I’m enjoying the change-up from the last few.  I mentioned it a few blog posts ago, but this one is a different type of story, though it will still be easily recognizable as part of the series.  I’m just blending the more recent stories with the first in the series.

Thought I’d drop a line.  I also make posts on the forum and sing out on the shoutbox there, so there may be stuff there even when I don’t update this blog.  If it looks silent for a day or two, check those other places and see if there’s something going on 🙂

