Major inspiration flash

I’ve had a couple of days of major inspiration flashes on the next Magic of the Wood for Nude Day.  At this point, I’m fairly certain that it’s going to be called “Beauty of the Wood”

I already knew one of the two main characters, but the other is crystal clear in my mind now.  He has a history, family ( one of whom is an important secondary character ) motivations, character flaws… the works!

Really, the only thing that I’m missing are a few interactions in the middle of the story.  Building the relationship up before turning on the heat.  The beginning, several important scenes, and the ending are all a lock after the last two days.

This one may be done early enough that I’m going to have trouble sitting on it until the contest starts *laugh*

Along with that, I had some flashes on Lowborn as well.  They’ll help wrap up character arcs, and move me toward the ending, which is now also far more dramatic and emotional.

It’s been a couple of good days.  Going to see if the young one will chill out and let me write some of it now ( beyond the chicken-scratch notes I’ve been furiously scribbling at work )
