Changed my mind

I decided to put a few notes in the file for the Earth Day story and file it away for later.  It’s just too late to finish it now and post it, with Earth Day nearly over at the moment.  it may be next year’s Earth Day story, or get folded into another holiday theme at some time.

I’ve been working on Lowborn, trying to finish the last chapter.  I’ve made a few tweaks to earlier chapters, and mused the ending quite a bit, and I think I may finally be ready to finish this sucker.  Unless/until it stalls on me, I’m going to stick with it as a priority and try to get it done.

Also been musing on the next chapter of SOTM, naturally.  I think I’m going to go ahead and write some of the scenes I carried over from musing on the previous chapter.  I was trying to come up with the right transition scene, and it was eluding me.  Maybe if I get moving forward with things I know are going to be in there, even if they aren’t the beginning, it will give me a jump start.

Otherwise, I’m beginning on a Nude Day story in the Magic of the Wood series.  That one kept intruding on the Earth Day story and distracting me, so I’m hoping it will flow nicely and sort of make up for missing Earth Day this year.

A few other things, but that’s priority for the time being.  I’m coming off a major motivation slump, so I’m not trying to overload myself too much.
