Still slumped

I’m still fighting to find the inspiration to write.  I go through this quite often of late.  I end up just staring at blank pages if I fight it.

*sigh* All I can say is that it’s just as frustrating for me as it is for you.

It’s been a rather busy and frustrating week, so maybe things will get better after relaxing for a weekend.  I’ll probably open up something over the next couple of days to see what happens.  That’s usually the way it works.  I open the word processor, and all of the sudden the words flow.  I’ve got little control over it or ability to predict it.

Had an incredible high point with that story in my third name.  Most votes I’ve ever gotten on a single story.  Should have been inspiring, but didn’t even inspire me to finish a second story in that name — let alone anything with a plot or complex characters.

Probably holiday blues.

Anyway, I’ll try this weekend, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try again next week.  At some point, I’ll get some words down.  Once I do, I usually have at least a short burst.  Hoping to finish some things and get them out as soon as that happens.
