So much for update frequency

I’ve been fighting a couple of stories in my third pen name *laugh*

One of them eventually worked out, and it’s performing well above and beyond expectations.  The other…  I’m pretty much going to give up on it if I don’t have a major brainstorm before the day is out.

And now, to see if I can update wordpress without crashing it *groan*

For some reason, I have a hell of a time getting the updates to work.  If the site goes for a while, it will be back up in fairly short order.

EDIT:  Well, whadda ya know?  Less than a minute later, I’m updated without a hitch. 😀


2 thoughts on “So much for update frequency

    1. Darkniciad

      Going to open it ( and Lowborn ) up tomorrow and see if I can get rolling. I only had a scene and a part of one left in Ch. 17 of SOTM when my muse decided to take vacation on me without warning.

      I may actually start reading through the whole thing tonight as I have it written and see if I can get some momentum + refresh my memory + see if there’s anything I need to tweak considering the change I’ve decided to make about the end point of this book of the story.

      I’m hoping to avoid editing posted chapters, but if it comes to that, I’ll do it.

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