And the story is…

Now that I’m down to the last scene and happy with what’s come before ( though there’s still the editing process to go ) I finally feel safe revealing what I’ve been working on for the Summer Lovin’ contest at Lit.

The next story in the Magic of the Wood series will be “Friend of the Wood” and features Terra, who is Dan and Brooke’s daughter.  She has a twin sister named Ella and a younger brother named Dale who will also have supporting roles.

I’d originally planned to use these characters for Earth Day this year, but the idea I had just wouldn’t come together.  The characters are the same other than a couple of quirks, and there’s a general theme that carried over, but pretty much everything else about the summer version of the story is different.

Like I said at the beginning, I’m working on the final scene of the story now.  That means that I’ll have plenty of time to pass it through Mistress Lynn ( who has first-read most of the series for me ) if she has time, and get it to Roust for final editing before posting.  There’s even a chance I’ll be able to do all that and still have it ready for posting during the first week of the contest!  W00T!

I will probably aim for Thursday night rather than the 20th start date.  I always have a lot better luck with stories that post just before the weekend than at any other time.

That’s all for now.  Just wanted to reveal it, since I’ve been hinting around the edges of it for a while now.  I’ve had so many stories in this series sputter out on me that I didn’t want to tease another that never materialized.
