Just chatter

I’ve been a little busy polishing off my Nude Day stories as RR and answering feedback from Lowborn.  Loving the reaction to it.  Thanks to everyone who voted and commented!

Went in and backspaced a fairly large scene in a LesLumens story I’ve been working on – “Jackin’ Jill”  It was just too complicated, and outside my realm of experience.  I’m going to replace it with something simpler that I’m familiar with.  Think it will probably get that one moving again.  I’d really like to have it finished and start posting it in August sometime.  This is yet another story that’s been nagging at me for a while, much the way Lowborn was.

Getting a few things off my plate may help me clear my head and get this chapter of SOTM rolling.  It’s a turning point in the story, and I’m probably a little over-critical of what I write when I hit one of those points.  I agonize over them until they’re perfect.  Once I get past this, there’s a lot of action coming up, and that’s just plain easier to write than these big plot points.  Could help me crank out a few chapters.

Just thought I’d drop a line since it’s been a few days since I posted anything.
