What’s speaking to me

Well, what’s speaking to me right now is “Lowborn”.  I just read back through the first seven chapters again for the umpteenth time.  For the first time, I didn’t make any changes other than eliminating a couple of “this word repeats too soon after I used it”.

I backspaced a little bit of Ch. 08, because I felt as if it was getting off track.  I’m taking a slightly different angle with one of the main characters than I’d originally intended, and the changes reflect that.

Really, that’s been the only thing holding this story back for a while.  Resolving this character to get to the ending that’s been waiting for me to write it was the stumbling block.  Once I can get that finished, I think this one will be ready to roll, and I’ll have a couple months worth of weekly releases ( they’re all going to be about 5.5-6k words each, I believe )

Finally finishing this one after so long might just give me a boost, too.

Working on SOTM 19 in the background as well.  Just not enough true wordage to really report.  Maybe after I get past the stumbling block in Lowborn.

Might be entering the summer contest at Lit.  Eligibility means nothing to me, as winning isn’t what I enter them for in the first place ( though, I’m always tickled by the wins — if not so much the trollish aftermath on the forums there )  There’s a chance of a new Magic of the Wood there.  The idea is brewing.  May make another venture into taboo similar to my Christmas story as Les, too.

I’m going to try to stay more active here on the blog.  Now that the struggle to finish Beauty has put me in a writing mode — at least for a while.  Never know how long one of these is going to last.

Still waiting on the first reader to get back to me on Beauty for the tweaks and then the final edit.  As soon as it’s ready, I’ll put it up at SOL and update at Lit.
