Back to formula on Sanctuary

Getting started on Sanctuary again with the new starting point and altered main character.  Think it’s going to flow much better this way.

This one’s going to be a little different than the last several.  In a way, it’s a little more like the first of the series, but there are differences.  It’s sort of a melding of Steward and the rest of the stories in the series.

Hard to explain, but I guess you’ll see when it comes out 🙂

Had to do some last minute coding to fix something this morning, but otherwise, I’m going to set the website aside for a few days and try to concentrate on writing.  I was using the website as a way to keep me busy when my muse was napping on me, but then I got obsessed *laugh*

Accomplishing several goals has leveled off that obsession, and I think I can get back to writing again.  Plotlines and characters are starting to yell at me from the back of my head again.  Letting all that stuff build up sometimes is helpful to advance stories.
