Well, obviously…

I didn’t make it to that mark I was aiming for :p

The young one went on a tear for a few days, and other things came up.  Looking to get some more writing done tomorrow after getting my heater in the car looked at in the morning.

I also decided to review the stories in Lit’s Winter contest, so that takes up some time each night.  Again, while it puts a delay on my writing, things like this and editing for other authors builds relationships that I’ve found highly valuable.  When I need someone to read something, or give me an honest opinion, I have more to work with when I’ve already provided same.  In the end, that improves what finally comes out on my submissions page.

I had an idea as Les Lumens that jumps into a highly popular sub genre on Lit, which I’m writing for the contest.  Truth to tell, it’s almost as much to stick to someone there as it is for me.  I just can’t help slapping down a braggart sometimes *laugh*  I’m nearly done with it now, and I’ll probably finish it tomorrow, so it won’t be draining any writing time for long.

It’s going to be a mother/son story, so if that creeps you out there will be ample warning.  This one may not even go up at SOL.  It all depends.

I won’t be working a full five days until the beginning of next year.  I have at least one day per week scheduled off from now to after New Years, and I plan on taking a week of vacation on the second week of January.  So I’m going to have a lot more time to catch up on sleep and — hopefully — get writing done while the house is quiet.

I also plan to finally upgrade the website software during one of those long weekends, opening the door to programming everything to add more content.  I’m actually planning on Thanksgiving weekend, when I expect any problems that crop up will cause the least irritation to visitors.

I already posted a mini preview of the next chapter of SOTM on the comments from the previous chapter, and I’ll probably post a longer one on the forum soon.  So, keep your eyes peeled if you want a sneak peek before I finish the chapter.
