
I’m so bloody close to nailing down the next Wood story that I can taste it, but I’m just not quite there.


I’m building up a lot of internal pressure, though.  My muse is working in the background most of the time.  I’m mulling over ideas at work, and everything I watch or hear is turning into a plot bunny.  Eventually, that turns into an explosion.  It always has.  It’s just a matter of how long it takes.

Holding off on part of the updates for the forum, because I’m hearing some reports about one element of the package that I don’t like.  That’s the element that runs much of the website, so until I hear that the problems have been resolved, I’m not going to risk it.  Getting some of this stuff working was a hellish nightmare.

Just thought I’d at least get back to something resembling regular updates, even if there’s not any groundbreaking news.  That in and of itself is a good sign, though.  When I’m in a funk, I can’t even bring myself to do this.

Climbing back out of this hole all the time is a pain in the butt :p  ( I know, I’m not the only one 😉 )

We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
