No luck

Yeah, no luck with that better day thing today.  It was even worse.  Power was out for an hour, and then we were stuck doing intensive houskeeping for an upcoming inspection.

Determined that I was too exhausted to even think about writing tonight.  No sense putting down stuff that I’ll cringe over later *laugh*  Every time I closed my eyes to visualize the next scene in Lowborn, I was nodding off.  Just not going to work tonight.

What I’ve accomplished the last couple of mornings and evenings was to get the database for my series built, and create the administrative functions for it ( at least, adding and editing )

Also created the database for the information about my stories, and templated out a lot of the administrative functions for adding.  Retemplated the “my work” page a little as well.  It’s much cleaner, easier to read, and contains a lot more information in the same small space.

Laying off that for the night now, too.  Too tired to think about coding.  Besides, I’m coming up to a more difficult section that involves both the story database and the series database.  Associating a story with a series is simple.  Creating the administrative functions that will let me sort the series in the correct order, while allowing me to insert new stories in the middle as I write them…  Not so much.

Then I’ve got to deal with the feild that holds the links to reviews and awards.  That’s using some complex storage routines in order to make it infinitely expandable.  I may have to do the same thing with the “other link” part in time.  For now, none of my stories have more than one link outside of Lit or SOL, so I’m leaving it as a simple storage.

Or, I may end up creating databases for those, and using joined queries to grab them.  I just have to remember how to do joined queries, if I go that way =P

If I can get enough images together, I’m probably going to make the page images dynamic beyond the filtering.  Images appearing in the headers will be randomly selected from a group of an appropriate size and gender.  May as well take advantage of the dynamic ability I have at my fingertips, since it will take all of a minute or two to write, and a few seconds to update with new pics as I get them.

If the recent anonymous commenter(s) on Danica and SOTM happen to pop into the website here:  Thanks!  The praise is much appreciated 🙂

Where the dynamic abilities of the website are really going to come into play is with LST3K, eventually.  I’ve always had dreams of the collaboration process on those being more or less real-time, allowing all riffers to work from a database stored copy of the story.

Ditto the “application” to be a riffer.  I’ll probably have sample stories with and without comments up on the DB, and applicants will add their comments to the story that way as well ( though riffing a story of your choosing the old fashioned way will be perfectly acceptable as well )

Probably also be a “U Riff” section of the site eventually, where any visitor can join in riffing on a story — probably with a “like” button, so the most popular comments are sorted toward the top, highlighted, and don’t drop off after receiving enough “likes”

Don’t forget, if you have some awful erotica of your own creation laying around that you’d like to see riffed, send it along!

Okay, I’m rambling.  I do that when I’m over-tired.  I’m going to chill for a while, wind down, and hit the sack.  Maybe the extra couple of hours sleep will put me in a better position to write at least a little tomorrow ( though the forecast for work is — if anything — potentially worse tomorrow than today )
