Tag Archives: sotm

Bit of sputtering

Fighting some slow motivation.  I’m inching along on Lowborn, but not much else getting done.  Just been feeling lousy for the last few days.  Don’t have a cold or anything, but just weak and generally “Bhah”.

Going to try to get it together, because I’d really like to finish Lowborn, get a decent chunk of SOTM 19 done, and then get the new version of “Flesh” going so I can make it for the Halloween contest at Lit.


Still sailing along

I did a lot of line tweaking last night, inserting little bits of the larger elements I needed to add to Beauty, but the larger section I wrote, telling about her inspiration to become a doctor, felt tacked on to where I had it.

Went back and read through things today, and ended up putting it back in with a few modifications much earlier in the story.  Really just have a couple more things to connect, and then there are some spots I wanted to polish&jazz a little that weren’t part of the first read.

Still aiming for the weekend for a completion of the new draft.  It’s going to clock in a little over 18k words.

Dashed off a quick essay last night about overzealous fans that I submitted to Lit.  It’s only 1200 words and just something I felt like writing, even though I’ve been trying to get the same point across on Lit’s forum for ages now.

Maybe with a wider net, it will actually catch up a few people.  It will go on the “Latest Releases” but I otherwise won’t announce it on the mailing list, or make much of a hubaboo about it.

Been musing the final chapter of Lowborn while I was at work.  I’m steadily tweaking it and hearing the characters talking in my head, so when I finish out the edit on Beauty, I should be ready to charge forward on it.  Ditto for SOTM 19.

Back to looking at a section where I think some of the missing pieces will fit in Beauty.


Lowborn Ch. 08 Wrap.

Just finished chapter 8 of Lowborn, coming in at at little over 5800 words.  Finally will have everyone in place for the ending, which I hope to finish soon as well.

I’ll be relaxing for an hour or so, and then diving into the second draft of “Beauty of the Wood”.  It’s already long past Nude Day, so I’d really like to get that one pulled together and posted at SOL soon.

I’ll probably mix my time between Beauty, Lowborn 9, and SOTM 19 for the time being.


Ticking along

I paused on the edit for Beauty of the Wood because I got hold of the first reader who has given me an impression read of the last several, providing valuable insight.  I’m going to wait for that before delving into the final edit, updating it on Lit, and finally posting it on SOL.

In the meantime, I’m working on SOTM, Lowborn, and a few other things I’ve been tinkering with.  One of these days, with several multi-chapter stories quite a way in that I’m not going to start posting until they’re finished, I’m going to have a long period of weekly releases *laugh*

Have some ideas for the Summer contest as well, but that’s quite a way off, and I’m going to write on some other things for a while, letting those ideas simmer during my muse sessions at work.


Starting the full edit

If you haven’t yet, go give Beauty of the Wood a read and a vote for the contest 🙂

I’m starting the full edit, but fortunately, those who have read it thusfar haven’t noticed much, including at least one grammar quibbler.  I do intend to flesh out a couple of places I feel are a little weak, though nobody has commented about them, in addition to correcting the couple of grammar oopsies.

May be making up for missing Earth Day by posting more than one story in the series this year.  Ideas floating around for a couple of possibilities 🙂

Also working on Lowborn and SOTM now that the marathon to get this story done has reactivated my muse 😀
