
I’ve been mulling over a new Wood story for some time, and finally had a brainstorm.  The whole idea had been stalled because I was lacking the right relationship to use as a foundation for it, but now I’ve got it.  This one is going to go a bit of a different direction than all the rest 🙂

Still needs a hook, but I’ve had several ideas on that.  Just a matter of finding the right one now — and a title.  Sometimes, that’s harder than coming up with the story.  Once you create a form for a title where only one word changes, it’s hard to nail down that one word that works for the story.

I’m going to answer some too-long-delayed emails and comments, then probably hit Lowborn.  When I opened it last night, that was what was singing to me.  It would really be nice to finish that one so I can get the editing process started and post it.
