D’oh! *facepalm*

I just went back to read through the scene in SOTM 17 I was going to use as the jump point for the beginning of 18, and realized that I hadn’t finished the thing yet!

It’s a sex scene, and I’d broken off to write a later scene because conditions at the time weren’t conductive to writing naughty bits.  That’s when I went into one of my slumps, and completely forgot that I’d never finished the thing *laugh*

So, guess I’d better get everyone involved to a nice, hot, sticky climax.  Ch. 17 is going to be pretty long.  It was already a little longer than the three preceding, and finishing the sex scene will crank it up even higher.

Working on a first read on someone’s Earth Day story, so I won’t get much writing done tonight.  I did manage to sneak out of work just a shade earlier, so I took a little nap when I got home.  That might at least let me get down more than the single sentence I’ve written tonight =P

Just waiting on Lynn to get back to me with the first read of Heart, so I know what the damage is.  Once she’s hacked and slashed it, I’ll be concentrating pretty heavily on it to make sure it’s finished in time.  Considering the limited time left in the contest submission period, I’m aiming for a Monday release next week, if all goes well.

Damn, just saw what time it is.  Looks like I may not be getting any more writing done tonight after all.
