Tag Archives: web shorts

Another 500 on Laresa

Almost done with the setup that will get to the heart of the story in the new Laresa Christmas tale.  This one is going to be a little different from the others, because Laresa isn’t going to be the sexual focus of the story.

Mind you, there’s going to be plenty of hot, sweet sex in it, though 😉

Also did a little work on Center Piece, and a lot of musing on Lowborn.  I’m so close to finishing Lowborn I can taste it, but this little section I’m working on is SO critical.

I’m thinking about moving on and writing on the ending, to see if that helps inspire me a little.  If nothing else, it will crank up the word count and help me feel a little better about myself.

I have trouble making myself do that, though.  It’s one of the reasons stories sit completely idle, and then suddenly spring to finished in a short period of time.  I work out a little problem section, and all I have to do is type out the rest of the story, which as been sitting all but complete in my head for ages.

Hoping to get back to working on the Shorts page as well.  I’d like to have that done before Christmas, because there’s a themed story I’d like to add to that page.  It’s a much requested continuation that I don’t feel has enough meat on the bones to post on the story sites, but which I think the readers of the original will enjoy for the pure sexual heat.

Not much really left to do on that from the backend standpoint.  I’ll have to double-check where I left off because it’s been so long.  Should have kept notes somewhere other than in these blog posts 😛

I hate to launch it with only the first of the Devan trilogy, but maybe I can finish a second or that Christmas continuation before I do it.  With a lot of scheduled days off coming up soon, I’m going to have a lot of quiet time to get things done while the young one is off at school.

That is, provided I can manage to convince my body not to use every moment of it to catch up on all the sleep I miss.

From Thanksgiving to after Christmas, I don’t work 5 full days any week.  Just waiting on someone to miss a day or two who has a full week vacation scheduled that week so I can pop a day or two into Christmas week *laugh*  If I can get Monday, I’ll have a five day weekend that covers Christmas and Christmas Eve.

My plan is to take a week of vacation very early ( hopefully the first week ) of January as well.

Enough bloggin’.  Back to writing.


Closer to the shorts

Finished the main image for the “Shorts” page tonight.  Now, I just have to build the page around the darn thing ( and set up the conditionals that filter images )

Once I have the layout the way I want it, I’ll add the as yet unedited first of the early Devan trilogy to the database for testing purposes.  I need to go through and modify my backend utilities, “Latest Updates” and the “My Work” page to deal with the new shorts database for easy management.

Once it will populate the menu on the shorts page and display the actual story, I’ll test to make sure it also displays on the “My Work” page.  If you happen to be around while that’s happening, the new Devan story may appear briefly before I turn the public bit back off.

Unfortunately, I’ll have to wing it for the “My Updates” page.  Other than cloning it, there’s no real easy way to test that except going live *laugh*

The environment around here just wasn’t conductive to writing tonight.  It’s like that sometimes.  It depends upon the young one’s mood.  I’m not in a naughty part of SOTM or Lowborn, so that’s not an issue.  It’s just loud and distracting tonight.  Couldn’t visualize, and I’m too tired to do it now that he’s winding down.

Damn near forgot to post Second Chance at SOL :p  Realized it when I was checking the updates page, figuring out how I was going to display the “shorts” link.  I think I’ll probably wait to post it for Friday at this point.

We’ll see if the young one will continue to cooperate and if I can close my eyes to visualize without nodding off later.
