Tag Archives: sotm

A tidbit

After finishing up a couple of things as RR, I opened up something that’s been tormenting me just as much as Lowborn.

Over all this time, I’ve probably written five chapters worth of stuff that I’ve backspaced for the next chapter of SOTM.  I just couldn’t get the opening right to save my life.  Sometimes, all it takes is a single scene to bring me to a complete halt.  It was that way with Lowborn, and it’s been that way with Ch. 19.

I just finished writing that first scene – a mere 448 words – and I’m happy with it.

I think I really needed the time away from writing ( even if it was primarily because work had been HELL ) and a recharge of my fantasy batteries.  You may know this if you’ve been to the forum, but one of the things I’ve been doing when I couldn’t write was playing CRPGs.  Neverwinter Nights + expansions, Neverwinter 2 + expansions ( first play through ), and Might and Magic VI-VIII.

I’ve done this before, as some may recall.  My roots are in the PnP role playing game, and the roots of that are in old video games.  Sometimes, I just need to go back to the beginning.

It certainly seems to be working right now 🙂

I’m going to take a quick break and then write a naughty scene that’s been in my head since before I finished the last chapter all that time ago.  Probably have a nice wordcount to report before the night’s out.

Here’s hoping. Cross your fingers for me.

By the way, here’s a link to the very first mention of Lowborn.  http://darkniciad.com/blog/archives/830

The story has been in the works that long.  I’m pretty sure I started Ch. 01 not very long after that post.  It’s been a long road, and I’m sure you can see why I’m not posting anything from any story until it’s complete now.

How I wish I’d already come to that conclusion when I started posting SOTM.  The ending of Danica was a true ending, and the loose ends leading into the next book were subtle.  It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as annoying for readers to wait if there wasn’t a partially written story sitting there, even though they knew a second book was coming.

EDIT ( a little later ):  Yeah, writing conditions went to hell tonight.  Boy’s acting the ass *laugh*  Got another 150 or so written, but that was it.  I’ll come back to it tomorrow after the first full read of Lowborn.


7200 and counting

I’m at 7200 words on Center Piece, and there’s still quite a bit left to write — even going with a “fade to black” eventually to lead into the final scene.  If long, hot, sticky sex scenes are your thing, you’re going to enjoy this one thoroughly.

Wrote a little on SOTM 19 at intervals as well.  Even as this one surges forward, other stories are inching along as well.

It’s perfect that I have a day off tomorrow to capitalize on this momentum.


Yep, getting there.

The direction I’m going now with Lowborn is feeling right.  Have a big fight, a reveal, and a big character development point all coming together in this one scene.  Maybe I’ve finally got it right.

Center Piece is also up to 3k words, though I have no idea how close to finished that is.  Mainly, that’s because the sex scenes of which I still have one and a half to go, tend to evolve on the fly.  Never have any idea how long one of them is going to last, and the second one is going to be a doozy.

Beyond that, there’s only a few brief scenes between the naugty bits that build up the tension and set up the ending.  If I can find enough quiet time, I hope to finish it soon.

The Laresa story still feels perfect every time I write a little of it.  I’m trying to concentrate on Lowborn and Center Piece, though.  The first, because I’m so damned close.  The second because it’s Thanksgiving themed and the Laresa story is Christmas themed.  Makes sense to finish the one before the other there.

My muse still draws me to write a little of Laresa or SOTM here and there, though.

I should really start at least preliminary planning for the next Magic of the Wood as well, so I don’t miss Earth Day this year.

Just thought I’d drop a little update.  Should be some new stuff soon.  Hoping that includes Lowborn and the next chapter of SOTM, but at the very least, I should have contes stories coming out.


“Center Piece” at 2k

It was Center Piece singing to me today, and it’s up to the 2k mark, almost exactly where the Laresa story is.

I’m going to try to concentrate on this one a little, since it’s about to move into heat scene number one ( Yes, there are two ) and finishing the Thanksgiving themed story before the Christmas themed one just makes sense.  That’s the order I want to post them, anyway.

As always, musing on Lowborn and SOTM.  I really don’t stop doing that, even when I’m not actively writing.  The stories in Danica’s World are always bubbling in my mind.


Snowy Brainstorm

I just had a major brainstorm 🙂

I was mulling over something else when the sweetest, most perfect idea for a brand new Laresa story popped into my head.  Bonus:  It’s Christmas themed.

It’s most likely going to immediately follow “Genie Valentine” in the timeline, though like most of the stories early in the Laresa tales, it will be self-contained and can easily be read outside the series.

It’s so perfect I can’t stop grinning.

So, keep your eyes open for “His Christmas Wish” in the Winter Holiday Contest at Literotica!  ( and at SOL not long after )

I’ll most likely hold on to this one until about the 29th of November, so it will be closer to the Christmas season and after Thanksgiving, but still within the contest dates.

In addition, the Thanksgiving story as Les ( “Center Piece” ) is moving.

I also finally have an opening scene that’s making me smile for the next chapter of SOTM.  So much of the next chapter has been written in my head for a while, because it was originally planned for the last chapter I released.  It was just getting an opening scene and a few other things that were holding me back.

I’m also mulling over Lowborn, trying to get this final, critical scene to work the way I want it to.  Some previous brainstorms that I’ve mentioned have pushed me closer, but there’s still just some critical interaction that I have to get exactly right to make the whole story come together.

I was right in the last post.  I do have some momentum going again 🙂  My muse, at the very least, is on duty and whispering in my ear regularly.
