Tag Archives: laresa

1500 on Laresa

I’m up to fifteen hundred words on the new Laresa Christmas story.  Laresa is introduced ( to anyone who hasn’t read the stories before ) and so are two of the other three important characters.

There’s one scene yet to set something up, and then I introduce my third character.  From there, I need to build up the anticipation, release it in a hot explosion, and top it all off with that sweet ending.


Snowy Brainstorm

I just had a major brainstorm 🙂

I was mulling over something else when the sweetest, most perfect idea for a brand new Laresa story popped into my head.  Bonus:  It’s Christmas themed.

It’s most likely going to immediately follow “Genie Valentine” in the timeline, though like most of the stories early in the Laresa tales, it will be self-contained and can easily be read outside the series.

It’s so perfect I can’t stop grinning.

So, keep your eyes open for “His Christmas Wish” in the Winter Holiday Contest at Literotica!  ( and at SOL not long after )

I’ll most likely hold on to this one until about the 29th of November, so it will be closer to the Christmas season and after Thanksgiving, but still within the contest dates.

In addition, the Thanksgiving story as Les ( “Center Piece” ) is moving.

I also finally have an opening scene that’s making me smile for the next chapter of SOTM.  So much of the next chapter has been written in my head for a while, because it was originally planned for the last chapter I released.  It was just getting an opening scene and a few other things that were holding me back.

I’m also mulling over Lowborn, trying to get this final, critical scene to work the way I want it to.  Some previous brainstorms that I’ve mentioned have pushed me closer, but there’s still just some critical interaction that I have to get exactly right to make the whole story come together.

I was right in the last post.  I do have some momentum going again 🙂  My muse, at the very least, is on duty and whispering in my ear regularly.



The more I muse over restarting “Flesh”, the more I keep running into the same problems as before.

If I go one way, it’s not horror enough.  Considering there isn’t a likeable protagonist in the entire cast, having it in horror is pretty much a requirement.  If I go another, it’s creepy, and not in a way I think will be received well.  If I go another, it’s too much like “Harvest of Blood” and feels like a rehash to me.

I may think about it, but I think I’m going to shelve the idea.

On the other hand — out of the blue — I had the spark of an idea for a new Laresa story set in a Halloween theme.

We’ll see what happens as the idea congeals.

There are a few lines of dialogue that are holding me back on Lowborn.  Mind you, they’re critical lines.  They’re the revelation of something that starts in chapter one, and deeply woven into the whole story.  This little exchange has to be absolutely perfect, or the story simply isn’t going to have the impact it should.

I’m mulling it over, experimenting with a few versions on “paper” and trying to tweak it to where it needs to be.
