Category Archives: LST3K

LST3K and Kindred in the queue

I put Kindred of the Wood and LST3K: U Beach! in the queue this afternoon.  I’m hoping that they’ll go up with the midnight crop tonight at Lit.

I’ve worked on SOTM a bit more, but circumstances just haven’t been conductive to writing the sex scene, which is where I’m at right now.  I’m gearing up to write the next chapter of Lowborn as well.  I think that I may visit Sagittariad after I finish Mindblind’s tale.  He’s only had bit parts in Danica and SOTM so far, so I certainly need to flesh him out before starting the epic of freeing Egoria.  The sequel to Blackhawk is also steadily nagging at me.  It’s about time for Ari to have a chance to wrap everyone around her finger again *grin*

I’ll post up again if the new stories come out tonight.  I’ll post Kindred on SOL in a day or two — probably monday at the earliest.  I may even wait until toward next weekend.  I’ve certainly learned one thing about SOL — posting at midnight there is a view killer.  The overnight readership just isn’t anything like Lit’s, and you get dropped down on the new stories list too quickly by stories posting the next day.  I’ll be putting all SOL stories in the queue at least one hour after midnight from now on to aim for a morning posting.


A little better

Sort of getting over the fizzling of Queen.  The newest comment and the email that came with it had a lot to do with that =)  Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter the most.

Anyway, I’m alternately writing quips for the LST3K and getting up to the sex scene in SOTM 17.  It’s more or less a matter of what the young one is doing at the time whether I’m writing on one or the other.

With a little luck, I’ll have some forward progress to report by the end of the day.


Workin’ on the LST3K

I’ve been working on trying to get enough solid quips into that awful beach story to get it together into an LST3K.  The less than lackluster response to Queen kind of put me off writing anything serious for the moment — let alone anything in my fantasy world.  I’ll get over it, but I just need a break with the way that one is bombing.  I really do love it, and to have it fizzle that way is disheartening.

Anyway, feel free to leave comments with things related to summer that I can use in my quips.  I’m trying to make as many of them summer related as I can, so that they’re just as much on theme as the crappy story I’m making fun of.  This is a good distraction 🙂

Oh — and I’m seriously considering purchasing an Invision board license.  That was the forum software I coded in before, and I think it might be an easier springboard to work from to get the website back into an actual information source, rather than just a front page and a blog.  The code for the other forum software I’m using right now is just too different from what I’m used to, and learning it is proving more daunting than I had anticipated.

I just don’t have the drive to conquer new languages/software quirks that I used to.


New LST3K is LIVE!

LST3K Ep. 11: Earth Duh

Go read, vote, and comment!

Seriously, vote and comment — please! Lit put the screws to me with a mid-afternoon posting, and it isn’t even visible on the NEW page yet! I need all the help I can get to get this one in front of readers.

Do it anonymous if you’d like. Hell, leave bad comments if you’d like *laugh* I’d much rather see people adding their own riffs to the story, but whatever you want to post is fine with me.

I don’t beg very often, but I’m going to this time *laugh* Any SOL readers, feel free to make a one-time crossover and enjoy me making fun of a really bad story.

Amber Lamps is also live at SOL and in the queue at Lit.  Here’s the Cover Image
