Tag Archives: web exclusive

Celes finds the right touch

My short story page has just been updated with the first of several Celes shorts.  It’s called “The Right Touch” and expands upon Celes’ explanation to Danica of how she came to understand and accept her sexuality.

You can read it right here:


Please do leave a comment if you enjoy it 🙂


What’s “All the Fuss”?

Christi Crimm has been more concerned with learning how to handle a man with a sword to bother with anything else.  The obsession everyone her age has with sex has been a curiosity, but not much more – until now.

Maybe it’s time to find out what All the Fuss is about.

Brand new website exclusive story in the “Nobles by Deed” series, taking place about two years before “Casting Off Convention”!

Really fond of this one.  I darn near decided to post it to the story sites because it turned out to be such a gem, but stuck to my guns and left it as a website exclusive.

Comment form is at the bottom of the story *hint, hint* LOL
