And back on track

Had a bit of an email snafu, but it’s been straightened out.  Second chapter of Lowborn is back from editing, and the third is in Roust’s hands.  So, the first week is already good to go, with the second in progress.  I don’t really anticipate any issues with keeping chapters ready to go.

It’s a tough call, but I’m going to go with a submission date of Saturday.  Going with Sunday would give me a better chance of hitting a Thursday night/Friday morning posting, which has the best readership, but it also has a chance of hitting the weekend, which is horrible.

I’m not willing to take that gamble.

Sometimes, Laurel will approve my fantasy stories more quickly than she does other categories ( probably to have a mix of categories each day ), but again, not willing to gamble.  If it comes out on Wednesday, I’ll take it.  I won’t like it, but I’ll take it *laugh*

My target posting date is either the 30th or 31st.  It could fall a day earlier ( or hopefully not ) a day later, depending on Lit’s queue.  Regardless, the first chapter is going in this weekend, so Lowborn is on the way 🙂


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