First two chapters of Lowborn

The first chapter of Lowborn is back from editing, and finalized — ready to post.  Chapter two is in Roust’s hands, and will probably be ready sometime tomorrow.  That puts me on schedule to put the first one in the queue on Saturday or Sunday for an expected release on the 30th or 31st, with the second put in the queue about three days later.

Submission dates subject to change, depending upon the queue at Lit.  I have a story as RR moving through right now, so that will give me a better idea of how long the posting delay is.  No matter what, those are the dates I’m aiming for.

Roust turns stories around pretty quickly, and these chapters are short anyway, so I don’t anticipate any issues with the twice-a-week posting from an editing standpoint.

I have another RR story done, and I’ll sneak that into the editing queue after this second chapter, but I doubt that will muddy the waters either.  It’s rare when Roust doesn’t get something back to me in 24 hours.  Plenty of time to have everything finished, quite possibly before Ch. 03 posts.

With that second RR story done, I’m about to delve into SOTM.  Just didn’t have the right frame of mind for such a vivid scene yesterday, and I think I have it today.  The young one is much quieter, and not in the mood to spend any time with me, preferring to hang out by himself ( he does that sometimes )

So, I may be able to give you some wordcount progress a little later this evening.

Or rather, probably in the wee hours of the morning *laugh*
