And updating

To put it mildly, my day at work yesterday sucked donkey balls.  Today was a little better, but I’m still worn out.

Fortunately, amidst the living hell, my muse is still in full swing, writing scenes in my head between moments of unbelievable frustration.

So, nothing went on paper yesterday, but things are still moving on SOTM 19.

Now that I’ve been home and relaxed for a bit, I’m going to dig in to the first stage of editing Lowborn.  Starting about chapter five, I feel as if I lost some of the atmosphere of the world for a bit.  I’m going to go back through and punch that up.  I’ve got  a bad habit of concentrating so much on my characters that I forget they have to have somewhere to play :p

Once I’ve tweaked the chapters that are weak on atmosphere, I’ll begin the first read-through.  That’s checking continuity, pacing, etc.

The second read-through ( probably a couple of days later ) will be a deeper read, looking for obvious mistakes.

After that ( again, I’ll probably leave at least a day of lag between.  Doing other things to get the story out of my head to at least some extent makes errors that I might otherwise read past stand out ) I’ll begin the first-pass edit on the chapters one by one.  As each is finished, I’ll send it out to Roust for a second set of eyes.  Once I’ve went through his suggested changes, the chapter will go gold.

I’m going to get at least three chapters ready to roll before I start posting.  That should allow enough space for any issues that might come up on my end or Roust’s, in order to assure that I can have two chapters per week prepared to post.

Then it’s a matter of whether Lit’s queue will cooperate with that *laugh*

I’ll keep you up to date on the editing process, as well as progress on SOTM.


2 thoughts on “And updating

  1. cittran

    I’m sorry for sounding like I’m pulling schadenfreude here, but that first line made me laugh. It was just completely out of tone with what you normally write.

    Also: sorry to hear that.

    1. Darkniciad Post author

      Oh, I can get much worse *laugh* Sometimes, the only way to properly describe something is with vulgarity + outrageousness. It makes people stand up and take notice through pure shock. Use it more at work, where simply describing the problem ends up accomplishing nothing more than the supervisor staring at you like a cow looks at an oncoming train.

      Throw one of those at them, and they at least listen.

      Comprehension is another thing altogether =P

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