That answers that question.

If you missed it, don’t forget to check out my previous update.ย  There are two brand new Arts Ardane shorts available on the website ๐Ÿ™‚

Decided what I was going to get done today.ย  Finished coding all the backend utilities for maps, so all I have to do now is make the edits to the maps themselves and load them in the database via my handy new utilities ๐Ÿ™‚

The characters section will use the exact same code conventions as this, so it shouldn’t take me long to get that running, once I decide to work on it.

Still figuring out how I’m going to present the “Danica’s World” information and “Misc.” ย on the “My Worlds” page, so the front end and back end are a little up in the air, there.

As far as the content for those two pages, some of the text will need to be edited, but otherwise, it’s pretty much ready to add and go.ย  This stuff was all on the website long ago, before I decided to completely revamp it.

Now that I have a nice feeling of accomplishment and some momentum, I’m going to see what I can do about getting some writing done tomorrow.

EDIT: And, now the new shorts pages validate.ย  I was so tickled to have everything done that I forgot to run them through validation before linking them up *laugh*

Forgot that I had to convert all the stories over to xhtml format ( lower case tags ) because I cheated and used Wordperfect to output them ๐Ÿ˜›
