New Genre added to My Work

I added a new genre to the series listing on My Work for Les Lumens:  “Poly/Group Sex”.

With this inclusion, I’ve moved “Thricegiving” and “Center Piece” to the new genre from “Other Les”

As I add new stories that have a similar genre to existing ones, I’ll create these groupings and move them out of the catch-all that is “other”.

The long work hours are still kicking my ass.  It gets a little better as time goes on, but it takes some adjusting to.  I’m not as young as I used to be.

I’m on vacation this week, though.  With any luck, I’ll get some rest and relaxation, which will let me take advantage of the quiet time to finally get some writing done.

I’m sure as hell not going outside much.  It’s bloody freezing!  *laugh*
