Some Lowborn

There’s something I’ve been mulling over as a solution to the sticking point I had in Lowborn, and I started writing it tonight.

Made a couple of tweaks to the earlier scene in the chapter, then backspaced about a half dozen paragraphs at the end, where I’d run into the roadblock.  From there is where I wrote the new lead-up to the scenario I’m invisioning.  So far, it seems to be working.

I’m going to get back to it for a few minutes, while I’m still awake enough to visualize.  If this is the right angle, it won’t be long, because the rest of the chapter is more or less written in my head.  I’ve known the ending for a long time, and I had a flash of inspiration a while back that really spiced up something just before the ending, tying it back to the very beginning of the story.

In fact, what I’m writing now also ties back into the beginning of the story.  The whole thing is beginning to tie itself up into a nice little bow.

Crossing my fingers, because it would be really nice to start posting this as an early Christmas present for everyone who is so patient with me and my unreliable muse.
