More on shorts

Still beat down from long hours at work.  The young one still making things difficult as well.  So, haven’t managed any real progress, though I have written a paragraph or two here and there when there was a quiet moment.

I did manage to complete the full layout for the main “Shorts” page.  Also created the layout ( sans comment section ) for the individual short stories.

There are still a few things to add to the layouts, such as the aforementioned comments section for each story, and a “latest” section at the top of the main shorts page that will point out the last three stories added.  Those are minor things, though.

The next step is to write the code to actually pull them from the database, and for that, I really need to finish at least one more of the new Devan stories.  It’s always easier to test with multiple items.

Once that’s working, it’s on to tweaking the pages and coding the comment section, which I’m still mulling around the best way to do.  The Shorts page will most likely debut with the three Devan stories.  I have ideas for other shorts to add after that.

As usual, I’ll be looking for quiet moments to try to get some writing done.  If nothing else, the weekend usually provides at least some opportunity, and I’ll have caught up on a little sleep by the time I wake up Saturday.

Think it may be time to schedule a day off from work… Ugh…
