Finished rewriting a scene in “Blessing of the Wood” last night where the pacing felt really off. I’m giving it a little time to simmer before finally beginning the editing process.
The first couple of scenes of “Jackin’ Jill Pt. 2” have been written for a while, but contest stories and other things that popped in my head, demanding to be written, have kept it on the back burner. I already have a lot of scenes written for this one that won’t need anything more than a few tweaks. The story was originally conceived as a single story, but I ended up splitting it. After I get through the transition chapter, it should move along quickly toward completion.
One thing I don’t believe I’ve mentioned is a website exclusive short that I’ve started. It’s called “The Right Touch” and is the first of a four-part series about a young Celes. The other stories in the series are currently titled, “A Helping Hand”, “To New Heights”, and “It’s Something More”. They’ll touch on the budding relationship between her and her friend Anna, who later becomes her partner and lover. It relays Celes’ first sexual experiences with Anna.
Have a tentative title and a working idea for a Saggitariad and Carol story set at about the same time as “King Thakkorias” which is “A Thief ‘n the Knight”. Also have a concept for a much longer story centered on Carol set around the time of “Lowborn”. No title for that one just yet.
I’ve had an idea for a while to write about Mara and Wade’s baby being born, but just haven’t gotten around to it. It will be set between Christmas and New Year’s Day, and reveal something that will be a central theme when their daughter shows up in a later story at eighteen. The plan is for it to be a website exclusive short story, and the first to go back into the timeline, rather than constantly moving forward, as all the others have. Title is “Child of the Wood”
A story I’ve been building toward for several installments now is forming up in my head as well. It’s called “Beloved of the Wood”. It’s about Xanbrina as she deals with hiding away from the world because she doesn’t really age, watching her husband grow old at her side, and knowing her kids are going to have to face that too.
Figured I’d put something up here since I can’t seem to concentrate to write this morning. Maybe I’ll have more luck with that when I flip through the open stories ( three of them ) again in a little while to see if any of them are singing to me.